About Addiction Solutions and Me


I'm Michael Stuart Kelly, writer, musician and man of many talents and experiences.

I made this particular site, Addiction Solutions, for you. Especially if you are a sufferer like I used to be.

I want to help you get better. But if I can't, at least we can share some tears and laughter and hope. I believe in you.

You see, I know addiction. He's always looking over my shoulder. At a distance. But there. I respect him now.

It wasn't always that way, though.

I did five years as a hard core drunk. Bad news. Bad, bad news. I was into heavy drinking years before that. Then a flaming alcoholic at the end.

Happy was the day when I stopped.

But, hey. Nobody's perfect for long. Right? I know I'm not. And I'm hardheaded, too.

After I finished with booze and it felt good for a few months, I decided to dance five more years with the devil. This time the deal was crack cocaine.

Told ya' I was hardheaded.

But I got out of that, too. I thought it was going to be a piece of cake after the blues of drying out. Boy, was I in for a surprise. Giving up crack--years of heavy crack use--was the hardest thing I ever did.

And the cigarette habit I picked up along the way. No problem, right?


At least this time I had no illusions. Suffer, suffer, suffer and I finally got rid of it. I sure did.

I've always had issues with reality like that. When I see something enticing, I can't help thinking, why does the BS have to keep piling on? If I want it, what's stopping me from having it? So off I go and get hooked on the damn thing.

Then I gotta quit and that question suddenly means something else. Heebie-jeebies time. Why does the BS have to keep piling on?

Well, now I'm clean. I want to say it's all peace and love and milk and honey, but that ain't right. I still want to play with fire. Like I said. Hardheaded.

But now I'm cautious. Been burned too much. Scars, baby. Deep, deep scars.

I've been off sauce and crack since the 90's. I ain't going back.

I hear you asking, what about the gruesome details? No stories?


You'll get plenty when you bop around the site. Believe me, there are plenty to have. And more coming every day.

Listen. It ain't easy, but it is doable.

It took a long time after fighting my inner Godzilla to find a path I wanted to travel. Something that gets the juice running, that makes you want to get up and get moving. But I finally found one--a good one. Look for me on the interwebs and you'll see me on it.

This site, Addiction Solutions, is part of it, too.

If you've got addiction troubles, take heart. Look around. I kicked my monkeys off my back and I was a big honking screw-up when I did it. Chronic relapses until I finally stopped. With every single addiction I ever had. 

If I did it, I know you can. And you don't have to screw up like I did.

So look around. If you see something that can help you fight the beast, pick it up. That's what it's for. Pick it up and use it.

I may not have much to offer you here according to some folks. But for a whacked-out dude who should have been dead several times over, I say, "Not bad."

Yup. Not bad at all.

It's a good day to be alive.

I'm glad you're here.

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